Gasoline Tanks: 8 oz to 15-25 gallons
Diesel Tanks: 8 oz to 10-20 gallons
Bulk Storage: 1 gal to 1,000 gallons
2 & 4 Cycle Air Cooled Engines: Pour ½ to 1 oz. into the small fuel tank for 4 cycle engines. Add 1/2 oz. to each gallon of regular fuel mix for 2 cycle engines.

5-11 quart capacity: 8 oz.
12-20 quart capacity: 16 oz.
21-30 quart capacity: 24 oz
31-50 quart capacity: 32 oz
Small 4-cycle engines: add ½ to 1 oz. to the crankcase oil of lawn mowers, edgers, tillers etc.
Automatic transmissions: For rough shifting and leaks, add 4 oz. to the transmission fluid every 20,000 miles or with each change of fluid.
For initial use: add to the crankcase oil at the above rate, drive 50 to 100 miles, then change the oil and filter. Add POW-R TUNE with the new oil at every oil change after that at the above rates for continued benefits.

• Add 1 bottle of Oil Treatment (red label) to the crankcase
• Add 1 bottle of Fuel Treatment (blue label) to the fuel tank
• Drive 50 to 100 miles
• Change your oil and filter
• Add the second bottle of Oil Treatment (red label) to the new oil
With all future oil and filter changes:
• Just add 1 bottle Oil Treatment (red label) with new oil
• Add 1 bottle of Fuel Treatment (blue label) to the fuel tank
Follow the above instructions and keep you engine running “like new” year after year.